Personal Data Policy
At we use cookies. Cookies are only used in connection with our login system. We do not register any information about you or what you buy from us in cookies.
Log statistics are also used on A statistics system collects information that can give a statistical picture of how many visitors a website has had, where they come from, on which part of the website this is left etc.
We, at Midtfyns Bryghus, use these statistics to improve our website and the functionalities our website has. Statistics are used in marketing and to create user-friendliness.
In order to be able to shop on Midtfyns Bryghus’ website, it is a prerequisite that we have created a user account for you.
To get a user account at, it is a prerequisite that you have a Class-B share at Midtfyns Bryghus A/S. It is also a requirement that you register with this personal information.
Phone number
E-mail address
Even though you have already given us all the information, you still need to register this so we can send the orders you order.
The personal information is registered with Midtfyns Bryghus and stored for 5 years, after which it is deleted.
We make the registration of your personal information for the purpose of being able to deliver the item to you.
As a registered person, you always have the opportunity for insight, and you can make against a registration in accordance with the rules in “Persondataloven”.
The employees at Midtfyns Bryghus have access to the registered information.
The data responsible is Midtfyns Bryghus A/S.
All data is processed encrypted.