Guide: 3 types of beer

Do you know the difference between top fermented, bottom fermented and spontaneous fermented beer?


3 types of different beers

The beer world is incredibly big and complex. This makes it difficult to figure out. There are so many different beers on the market. There were actually in 2019 more than 2000 new beers on the Danish market. Whereas in 2000, there were only 15 new beers on the Danish market. That is quite a difference. The beer market has exploded in recent years and the growth continues, which clearly makes it difficult to keep up.

We will be looking at three different types of beer this time: top fermented, bottom fermented and spontaneous fermented beer. These three types contain different types of beer ranging from Pilsner to Sours to India Pale Ale. We will here look at what the difference between them are.

The overall difference is in the fermentation process.


Top fermented beer

Top fermented beers ferment at high temperatures. The beer is between 15-30 degrees Celsius during the fermentation process. Due to the high temperatures, the yeast settles on the top of the beer/liquid. Examples of top fermented beers include Ale, India Pale Ale, Stout and Porter among others.

We are well aware of the hype around Sour beers. The beer type Kettle Sour is actually also a top fermented beer. Kettle Sours are brewed the same way as for example an Ale. However, lactic acid bacteria is added during the cooking of the beer. One or more fruits are typically added.

Our fixed assortment actually only consists of top fermented beers

Top fermented beers in our assortment

Fixed assortment





Gunners Ale

Chili Tripel

Chili Klaus Ghost

India Pale Ale

Double India Pale Ale

Rough Snuff

The Grim RIPA


Barley Wine


Imperial Stout

Russian Imperial Stout

One Offs


West Coast Hjemve


SMaSH Amarillo

Upcycle Beer

Seasonal beers

Go’ Jul

Belgian Christmas Blonde

Funky Santa

Santas IPA


Jule Stout


Bottom fermented beer

Unlike top fermented beers which ferments at high temperatures, bottom-fermented beer ferments at low temperatures. Temperatures down to between 0-10 degrees Celsius. The yeast falls to the bottom when bottom fermented beers ferment. Beer types that are bottom fermented are Pilsner, Lager and Classic.

We do not have any bottom fermented beers in our fixed assortment. However, we produce One Offs occasionally, which are bottom fermented.

Bottom fermented beers in our assortment

One Offs


American Lager



Spontaneous fermented beer

Sour beers have become extremely popular. There are different ways of brewing Sour beers. Normally, the process of brewing Sour beers are vastly different from brewing top- and bottom fermented beers. The yeast is not added as usual when brewing spontaneous fermented beer. Actually, it is not added at all. Instead, the beer is exposed to bacteria and wild yeast from the air. This fermentation process takes longer. It also results in the beer having less carbonation. Spontaneously fermented beer types are for example Lambic, Faro and Kriek.

Wild fermented beer

Another way to brew Sours is by wild fermenting the beer. The difference between spontaneous fermented beers and wild fermented beers is that wild fermented beers have a controlled fermentation process. Wild fermented beer is when bacteria from natural sources are used. For example, from fruit and then add it to the beer.

Currently we do not have any sours in our assortment.

But do you want to see our whole range of beer in our assortment, check it out right here!

View our whole assortment here